Deeper EC
SUBJECT: New Wednesday Empathy Café: How Might We Deepen the Experience in the Empathy Circle?
I wanted to invite you to a New Wednesday Empathy Café: on How Might We Deepen the Experience in the Empathy Circle?
Facebook Event
But First an Update on the Different Active Training Cohorts.
We just finished Cohort 9.C.
We will be suspending the Wednesday Cohort 9 Series for the Summer.
There are now two active Cohorts a week. Sign up now for the next start dates.
Greetings from 09.C
The 12 Series
Cohort 12. C Starts: Saturdays, 10am PT/ 1pm ET/ 6pm GMT/ 7pm CEST (2.5 hours) Session 1: Saturday, July 03 (World Times)
Greetings from In Progress 12.B
The 13 Series Cohort 13.B Starts:
Time: 10am PT / 6pm BST / 7pm CET
Session 1: Mondays, July 19 (World Times)
Greetings from In Progress 13.A
How Might We Deepen the Experience in the Empathy Circle?
Time: Three Wednesdays: 10am PT / 6pm BST / 7pm CET
May 26
June 2
June 9
Facebook Event
Project Development:
Description: This Empathy Café is an open inquiry using the empathy circle process on How might we deepen the experience in the Empathy Circle? It is a creative collaboration in the space of an empathy circle process to explore how to connect more deeply and profoundly. This could be research and experimentation for developing a training Module on that topic of how to go deeper. In this Empathy Cafe we will explore, How might we deepen the experience in the Empathy Circle?
Questions to explore
What does going deeper mean?
How do we listen more deeply?
How do we speak more deeply?
How do we connect and share together more deeply?
Emotional Depth, the capacity to register, interpret, maturely and sensitively express, and skillfully respond to feelings that arise in both yourself and others around you